Monday, June 29, 2015


Tarot Messages Revealed 6/29/15
1) Nine of Air:
This card is telling you that your own obsessive thoughts are the problem in your situation right now. All is not lost. But with the negativity you are focusing on, it has been causing you trouble.
Release your guilt. Turn your attention to the good things in your life. Recognize all that is positive. Embrace the possibilities coming go you now.
Light and love to you..

2) Page of Air:
You just might be receiving a message from someone who speaks bluntly and without thoughtfulness. Be certain to listen to the message and not the messenger. If the message resonates with you, that's great. Sit and contemplate its meaning for you. If not, take it with a grain of salt. Some folks like to gossip and stir up trouble. Be on your guard!
Light and love to you...
3) Six of Fire:
Woohoo! This a time of great achievement for you! You are popular with others and they highly of you and your hard work. Recognition or awards might be on the way. This is a good news card! Enjoy! Victory! Could be a new job offer or promotion. This is a time of good fortune for you! Bask in it!
Light and love to you....

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