Friday, June 19, 2015


BREAK LOOSE! Free yourself from dysfunctional people who are experts at meeting their own needs at the expense of yours. Don't let people stay in your life who trample on your feelings or behave badly. Set clear boundaries so that you don't get caught up their maze of madness, or feel responsible for their life choices or consequences. LIVE IN YOUR OWN STORY. Don't try to edit someone else's- Les Brown


ENOUGH SAID! A great reminder that happiness comes from within. Focus on yourself. Focus on your own happiness. That is the only thing you have control over. And the rest will fall into place.

I have found that spending time in nature, meditating or even writing in a journal helps to keep me grounded and focused on ME. Often I get the answers or the message I so truly needed. 
Cheryl/Black crow Tarot

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